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  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the assortedflotsam.com moderators.

  1. No bigotry, discrimination, or hatespeech. Race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, culture, etc. This instance is inclusive.
  2. No trolling, doxing, or flamewars.
  3. No "sex work." Commissioned art is fine.
  4. No spam.
  5. Self-promotion and spam accounts will be banned immediately. Some minor activity, like for independent artists or non-profits, is permissible.
  6. Bots are allowed, but they may be muted from the public feed if they post excessively or come across as promotional.
  7. NSFW content must be marked. This includes content containing nudity, excess profanity, or extremely graphic imagery.
  8. Spoilers must be marked.
  9. Be mindful of copyright and fair use when posting content. Flagrant violations will be removed.
  10. Trigger warnings are permitted, but be aware that they are a bad idea. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/talking-about-men/201703/trigger-warnings-and-mental-health-where-is-the-evidence
  11. Be careful with how much you reveal about your identity.
  12. Follow Wheaton's Law. http://www.wheatonslaw.com/